CIAO DATE: 09/2011
Volume: 9, Issue: 1
March 2007
Civil Society-State Relations in Turkey in the Context of Political Culture: The Case of Trade Union (PDF)
Armağan Öztürk
This article purposes to enrich the historical-economical perspective referring mostly to substructure relations for trade union analysis with an alternative reading addressing the social structure and political culture. The basic allegation to be stated is as to the fact of that in Turkey the political culture delays the development of organised society due to its structural properties. The cultural elements such as solidarity, paternalist, populist, elitist, communal and patrimonial ones create an action-expression ground that is contrary to conflicts. This ground enables a number of political legitimating instruments which ensures that the elitist practice can reproduce itself in the civil society. Also the trade unions have internalized the patronizing logic under conditioning of rightist populism and community based movements. The patronizing utilization of public facilities has lead to a degenerated political organisation manner connecting the government and civil society with an interest network system with each other. The phenomenon of that the trade unions are subject to tooling policy or that the trade union submits to the patronizing consciousness creates a representation concern based on the organization and an antagonism of trade union democracy-trade union bureaucracy that intercepted this concern at many points.
A Trajectory of Center-Periphery Relations in Turkish Politics and 27 May 1960 Coup (PDF)
Serdar Gülener
Aim of the present work is, firstly, to get a good understanding of the center-periphery dichotomy, put forward by the American sociologist Edward Shils and utilized by Şerif Mardin in analyzing Turkish politics, and secondly, to look at the military intervention of the 1960 in the light of this dichotomy. The paper tries to get what Shils means by the concepts of center and periphery and then looks at Şerif Mardin’s conceptualization of them in the framework of the Turkish politics Lastly, the process leading the 1960 intervention, the intervention itself and the product of this intervention, namely the 1961 Constitution, have been examined according to the center-periphery dichotomy.
Financial Crisis and Fiscal Policies in Globalization: A Latin America Experience (PDF)
Ayça Şimşek
In world economy rapid increases in tendency to open economy policies in developing countries led serious changes in their financial sectors. These countries opened their economies to global financial actors so early that their financial sectors were not strong enough to compete in world markets. This choice caused financial markets of developing countries to be affected by external shocks dramatically and triggered financial crisis in these markets. Having these characteristics, Latin American countries have been mostly affected by financial crisis. Since 1960’s as globalization process has accelerated, financial crisis have oc-curred in these markets. Authorities used IMF-supported programs suggesting orthodox economy policies –strict monetary and fiscal policies- so as to struggle with financial crisis and decrease the effects of these crises on markets. Although these policies relaxed the markets in the short-run, they led restrictive effects on real economy and triggered depression. In these markets so as to have a more stable economy, monetary and fiscal policies should be used more effectively. To implement a credible and stable economic policy helping financial risks to decrease –without leading restrictive effects in real economy- seems to be essential not only for financial stability but also for whole macroeconomic stability in Latin American countries.
Financial Liberalization in Turkey (PDF)
Serpil Döm
This paper examines the degree of financial market liberalization practises in Turkey and the effect on economic growth. According to one view, liberalization of financial system by removing restrictions on in-ternational portfolio flows and enhancement of foreign banks presence in domestic financial market can be seen as a major engine of economic growth. The opposite view suggests that financial liberalization is unlikely to boost economic growth. Large and sudden shift of foreign portfolio equity flows leads to financial crises especially in emerging markets. The benefits and costs of financial liberalization, foreign involvement are ana-lyzed with the perspective of in general emerging markets but in spesific for Turkey in this paper.
Market Orientation Control in Public Administration (PDF)
Hamza Al
Some changes though partial but consistent as a whole have taken place recently in public administration. One of the most noticeable changes has been the relationship between public and private sectors. With its close ties with the market values, this new approach differs from conventional approaches. Another related development focuses on the results rather than processes. Market passion of public sector ad-ministration and its focus on the results affects both conventional ways of administration and control. Control has now to take into consideration both market values and performance criteria